We've been back from our holiday for a little more than a week, so I thought I should update. How glad I am to be able to say my effort to abstain from overindulgence was successful! Oh, I wasn't perfect, by any means, I sometimes ate more than I should have, but overall I managed to eat moderately. I ate what I wanted, but simply chose smaller portions and also tried to split meals when possible. I enjoyed treats, but limited the amount. Best of all, I continued to exercise throughout, with the exception of the last week while we were on the road.
In years past I've put myself under tremendous pressure to lose weight before going away, only to embrace a defeatist attitude that there was no point, because I'd just gain it all back while away. This year taught me that I can go away, enjoy my family, and even enjoy eating out as often as we did and do so moderately.
I'm not down, weight-wise, but neither am I up. That feels and tastes like success to me!
How thankful I am for the Lord's enabling power. I'm learning that by placing even this area of my life under His Lordship, He readily equips me to stand.
1 Timothy 4:4-5:
"For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving."
Lord, today as I speak of *my* success, may I be ever mindful that it is You who enables and equips Your children to walk in obedience in every area of life. Thank You, Father, for Your constant and tender mercies toward me.