Friday, September 6, 2013

Day Four

Still on track, still walking, feeling good.  :-)

I was thinking today about the "what" of eating, pondering various diets and plans I'm aware of, and got thinking about how I want to make food behave, rather than make myself behave. 

For example, I've been known to remove good, healthy fats out of my diet in order to be able to keep my caloric count down, but why not simply eat less of the actual food and enjoy the better taste of it with those good fats? 

Years ago I used to eat this fake buttery powder on my baked potatoes, rather than good, wholesome butter.  Taste-wise it didn't at all measure up, but it allowed me to eat the entire potato...or two.  It would have been better, I think, to cut the portion size and enjoy the potato with the butter. 

So, that's what I'm endeavouring to do this time.  I'm trying to enjoy real cooking with real ingredients, but in moderation.  I'm using butter and sugar and eating everything I make my family, without having to alter it or make something different for myself. 

Today we had roast chicken (skin on), mashed potatoes (with butter and milk), buttered carrots, gravy (from the drippings), and biscuits.  I kept my serving size small and enjoyed each bite.  I've delighted in three good meals today, just small meals, and snacks (fruit), and don't feel at all deprived.  Now, it could be I won't lose any weight this week, and maybe I'm going to have to think things through again, but for now I'm leaning this way.  We'll see what happens.  Food surely does taste good when cooked with normal ingredients though.

 Genesis 9:3 - Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Psalms 104:14 - He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth.

"How blessed I am to be able to enjoy Your good gift of good food, Lord.  Thank You so very much for all of Your kind provision for me.  Help me, Father, to be wise in this and every area of my life, that I might rightly reflect Your character  and glorify You while I yet live, in and for the cause of Jesus Christ, Your Son."

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