Monday, September 9, 2013

Self Is The Spirit Of Carnality

"Self is the spirit of carnality; to pretend a homage to God, and intend only the advantage of self, is rather to mock Him than worship Him. When we believe that we ought to be satisfied, rather than God glorified, we set God below ourselves, imagine that He should submit His own honor to our advantage; we make ourselves more glorious than God, as though we were not made for him, but He hath a being only for us; this is to have a very low esteem of the majesty of God. Whatsoever any man aims at in worship above the glory of God, that he forms as an idol to himself instead of God, and sets up a golden image, God counts not this as a worship." 

~ Stephen Charnock ~

As I enter week two in my war against my idolatrous attitude and practice of gluttony, may I be ever mindful of not setting up yet another idol in my heart, that of desiring to conquer it only for the purpose of self, of weight loss.  Rather, may I desire above all to slay this dragon in obedience to, and worship of, the God who created this body for His good purpose.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"What!  know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  For ye are bought with a price, therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit which are God's." 

"Lord, You know my heart and motives more intimately than I do, please help me to conform both to Your will and not my own. May all I think and say and do be for the sole purpose of bringing glory to Your Name in humble gratitude for all You've done for me.  These things I pray in the Name of that One Who paid it all, Who gave of Himself that I might be saved, Jesus Christ." 

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